Thursday, November 18, 2010

Early morning

Early morning. Jumat pagi yang cerah. Mengawalinya dengan ketergesaan dan perut yang belum berisi pula semenjak semalam dan wah..wah..ban motorku bocor..trus?? ya cari bengkel, tapi sepagi ini, jam 06.30 kan pada belum buka..

Calm down, ini hanya perkara pikiran. Mau mengeluh atau tetap memelihara bahagia dengan menikmati peristiwa pagi ini. Semua berawal dari pikiran lalu ciptakan posifif feeling and then yuks Vitha bernyanyi kecil agar tumbuh atmosfir nyaman dihati,

lets singing...

Every morning on every news flash
I hear the sorrow of the world
It seems like everybody's lost and
Scared trying to make sense of it all
And as I travel to and fro, so many faces pass me by
I see lonely hearts living lonely lives just biding their time
And while we call ourselves civilized, many people living empty lives
As they drone their way through day and night

I pray for our world, I pray for every child
I pray for our world to be filled with smiles
Like the colours of a rainbow and not just black and white
I pray for our world to be filled with light
I pray for all of us, to choose the path that's right
To believe in Allah every day of our lives

In the evening on the TV news, I see images of war.
I see brother killing brother with no consequence at all.
And while those who claim to be leaders, sell us tales of deceit.
But Allah alone know in their hearts what they reveal and conceal.
And while we call ourselves civilized,
We go on killing human lives
Too caught up in our own web of lies

*menjemput "jatuh cinta" pada kalian, mutarobbiku :)

4 komentar:

yetilismani said...

apa judul lagu itu ta??

sisiungu said...

Our World by Zain Bhikha.

Berita 15 said...

maaf baru kunjungan ..
nice post kak ..aku lebih tertuju pada ban bocornya pernah juga ngerasain hal sama ..pagi2 ban bocor hemmm ...

sisiungu said...

hmmm.. :)